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Container Shipping Crisis: One in Five Ships Faces Demolition, Industry in Turmoil

Container Shipping Crisis: One in Five Ships Faces Demolition, Industry in Turmoil

Container Shipping Crisis: One in Five Ships Faces Demolition, Industry in Turmoil The global container shipping industry is facing a significant challenge. New analysis by Alphaliner reveals that one in five container ships around the world is ready for demolition. The largest liner in the world, the Mediterranean Shipping Co [...]

RCL reacts to profit decline by recycling older ships

RCL reacts to profit decline by recycling older ships

Regional Container Lines (RCL), a company that operates ships for transporting cargo containers, is experiencing lower profits. To address this, they are increasing the number of older ships they are scrapping. In the second quarter of 2023, RCL’s net profit dropped by 37% compared to the same period last year, [...]


The vital role of container ships in modern cargo transportation

In today’s interconnected world, the movement of goods across borders and oceans has become an integral part of global trade. At the heart of this intricate web of commerce stands the humble yet indispensable container ship. These mammoth vessels play a pivotal role in facilitating the transportation of goods across [...]

Cyclone Biparjoy disrupted container shipping

Cyclone Biparjoy disrupted container shipping

According to Christian Roeloffs, co-founder and CEO of Container xChange, Indian container logistics players should anticipate significant obstructions in port operations and restrictions on container movements due to Cyclone Biparjoy approaching the Gujarat coast. The disruptions extend beyond ports, as rail transportation in the affected areas is also severely impacted. [...]