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The Dark Reality of Bangladesh's Ship-Breaking Industry

The Dark Reality of Bangladesh’s Ship-Breaking Industry

The Dark Reality of Bangladesh’s Ship-Breaking Industry In Bangladesh, the ship-breaking industry is a grim testament to the exploitation of workers and the disregard for safety regulations. Despite global pledges to uphold worker rights, corporations exploit the lax regulatory environment of Bangladesh. This is particularly evident in the hazardous ship-breaking [...]

Ship sold for recycling and priced in Bangladesh's local currency

Ship sold for recycling and priced in Bangladesh’s local currency

In the past week, Bangladeshi ship recyclers didn’t acquire any new ships, but there have been two undisclosed deals involving the arrival of a handymax bulker and a car carrier at Chattogram beach. Mariner Associates CTG, a shipowner based in Chattogram with a fleet of 12 handymax and supramax bulkers, [...]

Bangladesh ratifies HKC

Bangladesh ratifies HKC

In a significant move, Bangladesh has recently given its approval for the enforcement of the Hong Kong Convention on the safe recycling of ships and offshore assets. This decision marks a significant milestone for Bangladesh as it becomes the second sub-continent recycling destination, after India, to ratify this convention. Bringing [...]